Police were led on a 50 mile chase in pursuit of a stolen motorbike.
The vehicle was sighted near Upton Police Station, in Birkenhead, on Thursday, May 26, and followed by the National Police Air Service until it was abandoned in Swinton, Greater Manchester. The chase came as part of a day of action by Merseyside Police, with nine people from one estate arrested as part of Operation Presley.
Police targeted criminals, as well as seizing drugs and weapons, on the Woodchurch estate. Over the course of the day and evening, the community policing team and Matrix officers carried out the proactive operation to disrupt criminality and protect those living in the area.
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A number of stop searches were carried out and roadside operations were conducted, with a white Mercedes car seized. Fines were also issued for motoring offences, whilst open land searches took place around the area.
The day’s activities resulted in nine people being arrested on suspicion of offences including possession of controlled drugs, possession of a weapon, and assault of an emergency worker. Among those arrested was a 16-year-old male from Prenton, charged with being in possession of a bladed article in a public place. He was later bailed after an appearance at Merseyside Youth Bail Court.

Officers also stopped and searched a vehicle on Upton Road where the driver was found to be in possession of cannabis. A further search of his home was carried out where a large quantity of cocaine, drug paraphernalia, and £4,000 in cash was found.
Another man, aged 52, from Woodchurch, was arrested on suspicion of possession with intent to supply a Class A drug (heroin) and possession of a controlled Class A drug (heroin).
Alan McKeon, Community Policing Inspector for Wirral, said: “Thursday’s enforcement operation illustrates that Merseyside Police will proactively tackle issues that matter most to residents on the Woodchurch estate and keep our streets safe. We had very positive results with a number of drug arrests and stolen vehicles recovered including an electric bike.
"In one instance there was a police pursuit and with the help of the National Police Air Service, we were able to recover the motorbike in Manchester. Officers chatted to locals and provided reassurance, and residents spoke about issues which mattered to them.”
The arrests come after a series of incidents in the Woodchurch area in recent months.
In March, Hoole Road was the scene of what the ECHO called a 'week of horror'. Three people were injured, with one left in critical condition, in three separate incidents that included a man being shot multiple times in front of a young girl. People who live on and around the road have since called it the 'worst part' of the area to live.
Last month, one Wirral mum took to Facebook to describe how her house on Hoole Road, which she hadn't even moved into with her children yet, was attacked in the night. The house had its windows smashed and the kitchen flooded when the taps were left on. She also described how after she paid to have the damage fixed, her windows were again smashed.
Replying to the woman, one person said she had picked the 'worst spot to move to'. However, some Woodchurch residents who spoke to the ECHO last month downplayed the severity of the situation on the estate.
Gary, 52, who has lived alongside Hoole Road for 48 years and raised his kids there, said: "There were a lot more people here when I was young and it was very cramped back then. But it's a lot quieter now, there's less people, but it's still the same old stuff going on that has been for years.”
Meanwhile, Robert Sparks, 57, another father from the area, said: "We've been here 30 years and we've never had any problems.”
Anyone who has information about drug dealing in the community or knows where weapons are being stored or who is using them can contact Merseyside Police by sending a DM to @MerPolCC, calling 101 or contacting Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.