A police hunt has been launched following the death of 55-year-old woman after she met a man from a dating app.
The suspect is believed to be using online dating to target women before drugging and then stealing from them.
Timothy Olson, 52, has been connected by police to at least three incidents in which women lost consciousness and were robbed after meeting him.
According to officers, Olson was with the dead woman at a bar in Wisconsin on November 17 just before she blacked out, reports New York Post.
A bartender working at the time said that Olson and his date were there for just a few minutes and had not even taken a sip of their drinks when the woman fell ill and blacked out.
According to witnesses, Olson shouted that he needed to grab an inhaler but never returned.
The woman was rushed to hospital, where she was later pronounced dead.
The exact cause of the woman's death is still unknown but an autopsy is being conducted.
Multiple alerts have been issued in the area with women warned to keep alert for Olson who is accused of using dating apps.
One alleged victim claimed she had encountered Olson on Match.com, but back then he was using a different alias - Tim Wilson, reported Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.
After meeting the suspect she says she couldn't remember her ride home and later discovered $800 unauthorised transactions on her bank card.
US Marshalls continue the hunt for Olson.
He is described as 6ft 3in and around 250 pounds.
The warrant for his arrest charges him with five counts of theft.
Although the vast majority of people who use online dating have positive experiences, the nature of the communication has been exploited by criminals.
For anyone arranging to meet someone else from online dating, there are precautions that can be taken.
Tinder advises that users:
- Take time to get to know the other person before meeting.
- Meet in a public place, never at your own home or the date's home.
- Tell friends or family about the plans before you head to the date.
- Plan you method of transport for after the date
- Know your limits when it comes to drugs and alcohol.
- Don't leave any drinks or personal items unattended