A drunk man was naked when he crashed a car into several road signs, a tree, and a large ute in Newcastle earlier this week.
Police received several reports of a man driving dangerously in the Shortland area on Wednesday evening.

The vehicle was reported as colliding with a tree, numerous road signs and other objects in Rabaul Street.
As officers approached the scene, a silver Holden Astra was travelling towards them on the wrong side of Sandgate Road - police had to take evasive action to avoid a crash.
The Astra side-swiped three vehicles going the opposite direction and crashed head-on with a large ute - extensively damaging both vehicles.
The driver of the Holden - a naked 61-year-old man - returned a blood-alcohol reading more than four-times the legal limit.
He was taken to hospital for treatment of minor injuries.
Police expect to take legal action over the incident.