The pole vaulters are currently competing at the Stade de France, progressing to the next height after a successful start.
At the initial height of 4.4 meters, no competitors were eliminated. Greek athlete Stefanidi Aikaterini and New Zealander Imogen Ayris both managed to clear the bar on their third attempts, showcasing their determination and skill.
American Katie Moon and Australian Nina Kennedy, the favorites in the event, effortlessly cleared the bar at this height, demonstrating their prowess in pole vaulting.
As the competition intensifies, the bar has been raised to 4.6 meters. Each athlete will have three attempts to clear this height, with the ultimate winner being the competitor who clears the highest bar.
It is worth noting that the current world record in pole vaulting stands at an impressive 5.06 meters and has remained unbroken for 15 years, highlighting the exceptional talent and athleticism required to excel in this event.