The world is expensive as all hell right now. I know, I know, breaking news! But I say that as someone who's always on the hunt for a good deal. I'm a spendthrift for nearly all things, though my wife would likely tell you otherwise if you were asking about my outdoor and motorcycle gear.
Yet, I know that not everyone can just drop cash like some folks, but that they'd still love to do all the fun things that this beautiful world has to offer. So when I heard that Polaris is offering free snowmobile rides through the company's Polaris Adventures program, I knew I had to write about it and get more folks out to experience one of the most fun things to do on the planet.
And yes, I said free. No, you don't have to sit through a time-share-like program about snowmobiles. No, you don't have to join a cult. All you have to do is sign up. Seriously, that's it.
According to Polaris, the company will offer "free snowmobile rides at more than 50 participating Polaris Adventures Outfitter locations across the country." The free experience includes an hour-long ride on one of a handful of Polaris snowmobiles, including those designed for trail use or the backcountry, and doesn't limit anyone based on experience or skill. Riders can choose their riding location through, as well as choose the type of ride they wish to enjoy. Likewise, if you want to extend your hour you can pay for an extended experience.
What's the old saying about the first hit being free?
Speaking ahead of the program's launch, VP and GM of Polaris Snow, Jenny Nack, said, "As a company that got its start by a desire to fully embrace the winter season, we are passionate about helping people adventure outdoors and have a special place in our hearts for snow. Polaris is bringing those two things together to help more people experience the sport of snowmobiling – for free. We don’t think that winter needs to be a time to just hunker down and hibernate, especially when there are incredible memories to be made outside."
It seems like a pretty cool program and rings especially relevant given that both Yamaha and Arctic Cat are out of the snowmobile business. All that's left are Ski-Doo and Polaris, and the two are fighting to win over everyone's affections in a very tight race. This, to me, is great marketing for the average consumer that might be on the fence between the two brands. Think of this as extended, yet fun, test drives. Pretty smart, Polaris.
The program will run through the 2025 season at participating outfitters and, again, is free for all those who sign up. Certain restrictions apply, but I'd be interested to see how the program works come next season when Polaris drops its 2026 models.