A group of Pokemon content creators have smashed a world record to catch the most shiny Pokemon as a team in 24 hours, with an enormous collective hunt ending in 1,708 sparkly finds.
Shiny Pokemon are, without a doubt, the most highly sought-after finds in pretty much every Pokemon game. To find one of these sparkly, alternate color-palette version Pokemon, you might be looking at odds as low as 1/8,192, but that's what makes them such a thrill to find. Needless to say, the idea of topping a world record set in 2022, which saw 588 of the rarities caught in 24 hours by a group of players, was always going to be a tall order. However, YouTube creator PM7 – real name John – was up for the challenge, and assembled his own dream team of 92 fellow shiny hunters (including himself) to take on the task over the weekend.
The rules were simple – participants had to not just find but catch as many shinies as they could within the 24-hour limit. That means that not only did everyone have to overcome the odds to actually find the rare variations in the first place, but their efforts would be for nothing if they accidentally knocked their targets out, ran away from them, or lost them in any other upsetting way.
Final event participant list for our world record attempt tomorrow! The attempt will officially start at 12 PM EST tomorrow, hope to see you there! pic.twitter.com/XSBwxdtnmuNovember 21, 2024
It's also worth noting that the hunters could use different methods to boost their shiny odds – PM7 was searching for his targets in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, where he made use of the special 'shiny sandwich' recipes to increase his chances of finding them. These sandwiches can be stacked with the Shiny Charm item and the Mass Outbreak method (which involves knocking out or catching 60 Pokemon in a Mass Outbreak) for odds as high as 1/512.44 – a far sight better than the base 1/8,192 odds you'd be faced with in the older games.
All in all, to say that the group smashed the previous record would be an understatement. Collectively, the group almost tripled the old number, having found an average of 18.6 shinies each. Obviously, you can't find 0.6 of a shiny, so the number of finds did vary from person to person – PM7 himself finished the event with 55 of them according to the event's shiny Pokemon log.
World record smashed pic.twitter.com/STleHXrNwONovember 23, 2024
It's an enormous feat, and there's no doubt that it'd be a monstrous task to try and beat the record again unless even more hunters were brought on board. For the time being, though, we're probably not going to see this number change again any time soon – GG to everyone who made it happen.