Pokemon TCG Pocket is taking over the lives of Pokemon fans everywhere, but one card in particular is proving to be simultaneously the best and worst thing in the game no matter if you're playing with or against it.
As IGN reports, the card in question is Misty – a Supporter card which can be used to attach potentially loads of Water-type Energy to one of your Water-type Pokemon, making her a crucial part of one of the best decks in Pokemon TCG Pocket if you don't have a Pikachu or Mewtwo deck. Energy is crucial to do, well, pretty much anything, from attacking to switching out, and considering that you only generally get to add one Energy to a single Pokemon each turn, it's a hot commodity.
However, the way Misty works is entirely luck based. The card allows its users to flip a coin until they get tails, but for every head they land on up to that point, they get to add one Energy. With no limit in place on the amount of Energy you can win, for anyone who gets ridiculously lucky it's a card that could fully power up a Pokemon instantly to carry you through a battle. But, if you get tails right away, the card is useless, so it can really go one of two ways depending on if fortune smiles down upon you.
That means that you get posts like these from Reddit, showcasing lucky players having a great time with the card after landing on heads (checks notes) 22 times in a row. Yikes. But then there are those who are seemingly cursed, like one player who says: "The amount of times I've used that card and got ZERO value out of it far (and I mean FAR) outweighs when it actually lands on heads."
How much is your Misty card heads record? from r/PTCGP
There are frustrations to be had either way, although it has to be said that there's not really a downside to using the card, aside from maybe wasting your once-per-turn Supporter card play. That seems pretty insignificant in the face of potentially being able to overcome a disadvantage of going in first in battle, though. Going first normally means you don't get to attack right away since you don't generate any Energy from the Energy Zone on the first turn, but this can be bypassed entirely with Misty if luck is on your side.
Needless to say, Misty is a rather controversial card all round, but there's no doubt she's a strong addition to any Water-type deck, like one featuring the new Drop Event Lapras ex. Hey, if you can't beat them, join them – just hope that the coin flips land in your favor.