The launch of "Pokémon TCG Pocket's Triumphant Light" set generated much hype for Garchomp ex, with players hoping for a powerful synergy with Cynthia. As much as the hype had generated excitement, Garchomp ex has not lived up to expectations in the meta, being unable to compete with the top-performing decks in the expansion.
Here's why Garchomp ex is bad in this new meta.
Garchomp ex Card Summary

Before discussing why Garchomp ex is not performing well in competitive play, let's examine its statistics:
- Rarity: Two-star, four-diamond
- HP: 170
- ATK: 100
- Ability: Linear Attack – This attack strikes one of your opponent's Pokémon for 50 damage.
- ATK Energy: One Fighting-type for the basic attack, two Fighting, and one Colorless for the ultimate attack
- Retreat Cost: One
- Weakness: Grass-type
Although Garchomp ex has a good setup, its low base attack and slow evolution process make it perform poorly in competitive battles.
The Best Garchomp ex Deck and Strategy
For Garchomp ex to succeed, players must build a deck that maximizes its strengths. The best deck shell includes a Fighting-type core, featuring Lucario to boost Garchomp's damage output.
Must-Have Pokémon for Garchomp ex Deck
- Gible (2)
- Gabite (2)
- Garchomp ex (2)
- Riolu (2)
- Lucario (2)
Essential Trainer Cards
- Pokémon Ball
- Professor's Research
- Pokémon Communication
- Cyrus
- X Speed
How to Use Garchomp ex Deck
- Start with Riolu and place another on the Bench to evolve into Lucario.
- Level up Garchomp ex quickly and move it into the Active Spot.
- Have two Lucario on the Bench to maximize the damage output of Garchomp ex (120–140 base damage, up to 160 if there is a Fighting weakness in the opponent's Pokémon).
- Use Cyrus to drag opponent Pokémon into the Active Spot after linear attacking them.
Even with this optimized configuration, Garchomp ex doesn't perform at competitive standards—let's find out why.
Garchomp ex's Lackluster Performance in the Meta
Ever since the Triumphant Light set's release, Garchomp ex has not made it to the top decks. It has a poor 2% meta share and a dismal 46% win percentage, making it one of the poorer inclusions to the A2a expansion.
Even the most powerful variant—Lucario Garchomp ex—is woefully behind with a deplorable 41.86% win ratio in 200 matches. Its best, top deck of the expansion, Arceus ex & Dialga ex, manages a 59% win rate, rendering Garchomp ex at best mediocre.
Garchomp ex's Largest Counters in TCG Pocket
More recent tournament plays have revealed the weaknesses of Garchomp ex. The deck is particularly problematic against the following:
Leafeon ex & Celebi ex (75% win ratio vs. Garchomp ex)
- Being a Grass-type deck, it has no problem exploiting Garchomp ex's weakness, making it nearly an unwinnable matchup.
Arceus ex & Dialga ex are at a 64% win rate against Garchomp ex.
- This deck possesses better damage output and quicker setup, rendering Garchomp ex powerless to counter it.
Why Garchomp ex is a Mediocre Choice in Competitive Play
There are various reasons behind Garchomp ex's lackluster performance in Pokemon TCG Pocket, according to GameRant.
1. Subpar Attack Power
Garchomp ex's final attack only hits for 100 damage, well short of competitive level.
Compare this to Arceus ex and other meta cards that hit for more than 130-150 damage, and Garchomp ex doesn't seem quite as strong by comparison.
2. No Synergy with Cynthia
Players hoped Garchomp ex would play well with Cynthia's +50 ATK buff, but it does not, which removes a significant advantage.
Moreover, Fighting-type decks have few powerful Supporter cards, reducing Garchomp ex's usability.
3. Slow Setup and Inefficient Deck
Garchomp ex is a Two-Stage Pokémon, involving several evolutions that take up six deck slots.
This compels players to make concessions on important Trainer Cards, leaving them with inefficient setups.
4. Superior Fighting-Type Options Available
Rampardos & Lucario Sudowoodo decks have been much better in the meta.
This meta-breaking deck continues to gain popularity, rendering Garchomp ex even more unnecessary for competitive usage.
Is Garchomp ex Worth Playing?
Garchomp ex can still be a fun deck to try for casual players, particularly for Fighting-type deck fans. Competitive players, however, should not waste their money on this card with its low damage, slow evolution, and underwhelming meta play.
Unless the future expansions come with buffs or new synergy cards, Garchomp ex will continue to be an underwhelming option in Pokémon TCG Pocket's changing metagame.
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