Yesterday we revealed details of the upcoming Winter Holiday event coming in Pokémon GO. It's divided into two parts with the first one starting on December 18. If you're excited, we have good news! You don't need to wait any longer as we now have details for Part 2.
What's going to happen with Part 2? While the highlight of Part 1 is the official debut of Cetoddle and its evolution Cetitan, Part 2 has new costumed Pokémon appearing during the event. These are Psyduck wearing holiday attire and Golduck wearing holiday attire.
When it comes to the bonuses, trainers can choose what they want during the event after completing Timed Research. It's either double XP for catching Pokémon or double Stardust for catching Pokémon. There's also the increased XP from opening Gifts.
Here are some of the things that trainers can do during this event:
- The Pokémon appear more frequently in the wild:
- Pikachu wearing holiday attire
- Alolan Vulpix
- Psyduck wearing holiday attire
- Seel
- Eevee wearing a holiday hat
- Swinub
- Delibird wearing a holiday ribbon
- Snorunt
- Spheal
- Galarian Darumaka
- Vanillite
- Cubchoo wearing a holiday ribbon
- Cryogonal
- Cetoddle
- Some Trainers might even encounter these Pokémon:
- Sneasel
- Piloswine
- Amaura
- These Pokémon appear in raids:
- One-Star Raids
- Pikachu wearing holiday attire
- Alolan Vulpix
- Cubchoo wearing a holiday ribbon
- Crabrawler
- Cetoddle
- Three-Star Raids
- Dewgong
- Lapras
- Delibird wearing a holiday ribbon
- Glaceon wearing an Undersea Holiday outfit
- These Pokémon hatch from 2 km Eggs:
- Psyduck wearing holiday attire
- Eevee wearing a holiday hat
- Smoochum
- Galarian Darumaka
- Amaura
- These Pokémon are available to encounter when completing certain Field Research tasks:
- Pikachu wearing holiday attire
- Alolan Vulpix
- Psyduck wearing holiday attire
- Shellder
- Jynx
- Lapras
- Stantler wearing a holiday outfit
- Spheal wearing a holiday scarf
- Snover
- Glaceon wearing an Undersea holiday outfit
- Vanillite
- Crabrawler
Paid Timed Research
Tickets for Timed Research in Part 2 are a bit pricier at $5. Once they get access to the event-exclusive Timed Research, they have the chance to get these Time Research rewards which are:
- 2× Candy for catching Pokémon.
- Different event-themed Pokémon encounters that include:
- Pikachu wearing holiday attire
- Delibird wearing a holiday ribbon
- Psyduck wearing holiday attire!
Get to learn more about what's happening in the Winter Holiday Part 1 here. Pokémon GO is available to download free for mobile platforms via Google Play and App Store.