A program to help renters, home owners and landlords impacted by the NSW floods has been extended by the federal and state governments.
An additional $47 million worth of grants has been made available to help people repair their properties and replace belongings lost in the June and July flooding.
The jointly funded Back Home program provides one-off payments of $20,000 for owner-occupiers, $15,000 for landlords, and $5000 for renters.
People can use the cash grants to make structural repairs, move to a new home, reconnect gas, water and electricity and replace or repair damaged household goods such as fridges, ovens or washing machines.
The Commonwealth is working with all levels of government to support communities affected by natural disasters, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said.
"We know recovery is a long road ahead and we stand with the NSW government in helping victims of the recent devastating floods get their lives back on track," he said in a statement.
Emergency Management Minister Murray Watt said the government's priority was to return flood victims to a safe, dry home.
"This program will help their homes to become habitable again by contributing to the cost of replacing appliances, reconnecting utilities, fixing roofs, connecting electricity and making other necessary repairs," he said.
The grants are available for 17 local government areas deemed to be the most severely impacted by last month's floods: Blacktown, Camden, Canterbury-Bankstown, Central Coast, Cessnock, Fairfield, Hawkesbury, Hornsby, Liverpool, Maitland, Mid Coast, Penrith, Port Stephens, Singleton, Sutherland, The Hills and Wollongong.
Applications for the grants will be live in the coming days.