The future of the government's overhaul of workplace bargaining powers remains in limbo, with the prime minister evading questions on whether he'd further amend or split the bill.
Labor is pushing to have complex multi-employer bargaining legislation passed before Christmas, saying it wants the laws in place as quickly as possible to put upwards pressure on wages.
But key Senate crossbenchers David Pocock and Jacqui Lambie want parts of the proposed laws to be delayed until next year so they have enough time to consult with the business community.
Mr Albanese personally met with Senator Pocock on Thursday.
Non-controversial aspects of the bill with multi-party support include measures to address gender inequality in the workplace.
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese wouldn't be drawn on whether splitting the legislation during parliament's last sitting week for the year was on the table.
"We are determined to see our industrial relations legislation passed," he said.
The opposition has attacked multi-employer bargaining as putting too high a cost on small businesses.
Deputy Liberal leader Sussan Ley said the government was "arrogantly holding worthy causes hostage" by not being prepared to split the bill.
"I've had enough of Anthony Albanese continuing to gaslight the Australian people and small businesses arguing unless you support the radical bill you don't support wage rises," she said.
Ms Ley said the inference she didn't support women getting ahead in their job was "frankly offensive" after having to fight to land her dream job as a pilot "because my name is Sussan and not Sam".
"The government needs to stop using the interests of women as a prop to try and paper over their radical industrial relations laws," she said.