Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday will be inaugurating a New Integrated Terminal Building at Maharaja Bir Bikram Airport in Agartala, Tripura. The inauguration ceremony will start at 2 PM. The Airport Authority of India, North-East Region has shared some images of the new passenger terminal building. According to the Prime Minister's Office, the new Maharaja Bir Bikram Airport terminal has been built at a cost of about ₹450 crore. Spread over 30,000 sq metres, the new building is equipped with modern facilities and supported by the latest IT network-integrated system.
"The building is equipped with 20 check-in counters and four-passenger boarding bridges," the Airport Authority of India said.
The air travellers will get to experience local art forms, stone sculptures of Unnakoti hills, Chabimura replica, and local bamboo art in the airport.
Besides, the new terminal at the Tripura airport will have 10 immigration counters, aprons for six aircraft parking bays, five custom counters, four-passenger boarding bridges, and even one hangar.
In line with the Cochin International Airport, the airport terminal building in Tripura will include a solar power unit.
Apart from the airport, PM Modi will inaugurate multiple developmental projects during his visit to the states of Manipur and Tripura on Tuesday. The Prime Minister will be laying the foundation stone of 22 developmental projects worth over ₹4,800 crore in Imphal, Manipur. And, in Tripura, he will launch initiatives such as Mukhyamantri Tripura Gram Samriddhi Yojana and Project Mission 100 of Vidyajyoti Schools.