Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has implored parliament to back the Indigenous voice, saying the body would lead to a more united and reconciled country.
As debate on the constitutional change continued in parliament, the prime minister sought to reassure opponents of the voice that the proposal was a simple change that would provide meaningful action.
"A 'yes' vote in this referendum is a chance for all of us to take the next step on the journey of reconciliation, to be counted and to be heard on the right side of history," he told parliament on Thursday.
"For most non-Indigenous Australians, this will make no difference to their lives, but it is an opportunity to make a difference for Indigenous Australians."
While some have pushed for the voice not to be able to advise executive government, in order to bring more coalition MPs on board with the proposal, Mr Albanese said the wording of the constitutional change would not be altered.
"These design principles are the product of years of hard work, including by members of the referendum working group," he said.
"They also represent years of consultation and dialogue among communities, the more than 1000 meetings that took place in the lead-up to the First Nations constitutional convention that was held at Uluru."
Mr Albanese also took aim at Opposition Leader Peter Dutton, who used a speech to parliament to describe the voice as "Orwellian" and said it would further divide the country.

But the PM said Mr Dutton was seeking to undermine the process.
"The leader of the opposition gave a speech in this chamber that is simply unworthy of the alternative prime minister of this nation," Mr Albanese said.
"Instead of taking the chance to unify, there are some that have sought only to divide. Now, clearly, there is no form of words that will satisfy some of the leaders of the 'no' campaign."
Earlier, Liberal MP Julian Leeser urged his coalition colleagues to back the proposal and called for a respectful debate.
Mr Leeser stepped down from his position as the coalition's Indigenous Australians spokesman earlier this year, after the Liberals decided not to back the voice to parliament and executive government.
He moved to address concerns about the voice expressed by his coalition colleagues.
"The voice is advisory - it won't be Moses handing down tablets from the mountain," Mr Leeser said.
"The parliament will still be the democratic centre of our democratic life."
The bill is expected to be finalised next month ahead of the referendum, which will be held between October and December.