Does every article featuring some mention of Boris Johnson (Analysis, 16 June) really have to include a photo of this man? Surely we all know what he looks like (sadly). Photos of Dilyn the dog would be acceptable.
Christine Betts
• At the time Partygate was kicking off, I wrote to my MP, Sir Bernard Jenkin, asking him whether he had attended any such “events” (Boris Johnson calls for Tory MP on privileges committee to resign, 14 June). I did not receive a reply. Thanks to the Guardian, at least I know now that “he does not recall” an event for his wife’s birthday.
Val Mainwood
Wivenhoe, Essex
• The headline on the article about Miriam Margolyes in Vogue calls her a “national treasure” (Miriam Margolyes: ‘I never had any shame about being gay’, 13 June). However, I’ve heard her on TV describe herself as being more like a “national trinket”.
Jonathan Hammonds
Shrewsbury, Shropshire
• For the final verse of Edward Perronet’s splendid hymn All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name, sung at my (first) retirement service a few years ago, autocorrect omitted the final R from the line that normally reads: “Oh, that with yonder sacred throng” (Letters, 16 June). Needless to say, we sang it with gusset-o!
Fr Alec Mitchell
Kyrenia, Northern Cyprus
• Re autocorrect (Letters, 16 June), some years ago I texted my sons on an old Nokia to tell them their mother’s travel plans had been disrupted by the weather. The text they received read: “Nun stuck in dog at airport.”
Anthony Ferner
Leamington Spa, Warwickshire
• Have an opinion on anything you’ve read in the Guardian today? Please email us your letter and it will be considered for publication in our letters section.