"Please, please don't forget us."
Those are the pleas of a Ukrainian child experiencing a war with no end in sight.
It's been more than two years since Russia launched its full-scale invasion on Ukraine, where civilians are suffering from bombardment as crucial energy and other infrastructure is targeted.
As scrutiny intensifies of the military and humanitarian support provided by Australia, World Vision chief executive Daniel Wordsworth called on the federal government to remain committed to helping Ukraine.
"We've got to sort of keep going," he said after returning from a visit to the war-torn country.
"I would encourage the Australian government that now's a great time to be providing more support in things like the social safety net, things like mental health for kids."
Mr Wordsworth on Wednesday recounted the story of an eight-year-old girl who pleaded for her nation not to be forgotten.
"The thing that's foremost on her mind, is the concern that we, the international community, are going to leave them and leave them to these bombings and these missiles," he said while in Canberra to brief parliamentarians on the situation facing civilians.
Mr Wordsworth said there needed to be economic stimulus for Ukraine, particularly in the eastern part of the country.