Pleas for a safe swimming area on Loch Lomond look set to be rejected after council chiefs found it could cost over £3million.
Officers have been exploring the idea of creating an enclosed space, known as a lido, following calls by Gartocharn councillor Sally Page.
It came after four people lost their lives in the water last year.
Connor Markward, 16, drowned while swimming with friends near Balloch Park on July 23 and, the next day at Pulpit Rock, Edina Olahova, 29, her son Rana Haris Ali, nine and friend Muhammad Asim Raza, 41, lost their lives.
However, officers say research has found the project would be too expensive and shouldn’t go ahead.

In a report, which will be considered by councillors at a full council meeting on Wednesday, they said they have carried out an assessment of various sites and looked at options for open water swimming and recreational swimming.
The paper states: “In order to progress further, the specialist skills of a marine engineer consultant would be required, to carry out in depth surveys of a number of areas.
“It is anticipated that the cost to engage a marine engineer consultant to review any site options would be in the region of £40,000. “In addition, it is estimated, that any future capital works to develop a potential site for a lido, could be in excess of £3m.
“This estimated cost is based on indicative costs for other similar Lido installations nationwide and is dependent on site selection and grounds works.
“It is therefore recommended that at this time due to the significant cost implications no further action is taken in respect of any formation of a lido.”
The paper also recommends councillors approve plans to deliver a water safety policy, with £30,000 to be spent on a consultancy appointment
The policy would cover sites owned by the council and would set out how the local authority meets its duties for water safety on the land it manages.