May Sumbwanyambe, playwright of Enough of Him, visited Perth Sheriff Court to share the story of Joseph Knight and the historical precedent he set in winning his freedom there in 1778.
The play, based on Knight’s life, comes to Perth Theatre from November 16 to 19.
Based on a true story, Enough of Him explores the life of Joseph Knight, an African man enslaved by plantation owner Sir John Wedderburn and brought to Scotland to serve in his Perthshire mansion.
Joseph Knight became a notable figure in a landmark legal battle that saw him successfully appeal against a Scottish court’s decision that had reduced him to mere property in the ownership of his former master.
This victory affirmed that Scots Law could not uphold the institution of slavery in Scotland, a ruling that would make a profound contribution to paving the way for the abolition of slavery in Scotland/Britain.

Joseph Knight won his freedom in Perth in 1778, and on October 28, 2022, playwright May Sumbwanyambe was invited to Perth Sheriff Court to speak on the story of Joseph Knight and the legal precedent set by his historic case, as they discussed the issue of slavery and how it impacts our modern world.
Sheriff Principal Marysia Lewis said: “I was delighted to welcome May Sumbwanyambe to Perth Sheriff and Justice of the Peace Court, the court where Joseph Knight began his quest for freedom from perpetual servitude.
“The then Sheriff depute, supported by the Sheriff substitute found that ‘the state of slavery is not recognised by the laws of this kingdom, and is inconsistent with the principles thereof.’
“That statement was made in 1778 and yet the courts continue to be presented with cases involving modern slavery, people trafficking and smuggling in their various forms.
“Today the Sheriffs in Tayside, Central and Fife have been considering not only the historical context of cases involving slavery but also exploring the complexities and complications of modern slavery crimes.”
May Sumbwanyambe’s play Enough of Him is a thrilling exploration of power and its attendant tensions: between those who are enslaved and those who are free, servants and masters, and husbands and wives.