Todd Howard has announced that Starfield's romance options will revolve around four main characters.
It turns out that despite the 1,000 planets and billions of inhabitants in Starfield there'll only be four romanceable characters. In the most recent Kinda Funny Xcast that came out June 22, Howard spoke to every option and new information on romances in the open-world RPG.
"The four main Constellation ones are the ones that support full questlines for them and for romance," Howard said, answering a viewer question about romances in the new game.
Crucially this doesn't mean that players can romance any four of their choosing. Unfortunately, all our options have been predetermined by both Howard and Bethesda. However, there will be a lot of options when it comes to what these companions are capable of.
It turns out that a great deal of the choices you make throughout Starfield can have drastic consequences for you and your companions. While your trusted allies may not stab you in the back, Howard hints at characters staying angry at players for a long time. They won't leave by themselves but the player will have the option of leaving them at an outpost if they get too angry. If it gets too bad then you may just want to fire them, which is also possible.
If you don't want to deal with all those problems then rest assured, Starfield gives players the option for an entirely robotic spaceship crew or even no crew at all. The RPG can be finished without ever forming a crew.
Howard explained that Bethesda has spent a lot of time pouring over skills and traits that will allow players to complete tasks by themselves and grow their own character to be independent and self-sufficient.
Character creation is set to be a critical part of Starfield so it's important to know every step before you blast off on an adventure.