The second installment of Platform 7 on ITVX sees Lisa take a deeper look into what happened in the final moments before she died and also lifts a lid on the shocking reason Edward took his own life.
Here is everything you need to know about Platform 7 episode 2...
The second episode of Platform 7 sees PC Akash Lockhart continuing his secret investigation into Lisa's death, having become convinced that she didn't take her own life as it had been decided.
Akash looks once again at the grainy CCTV from the night Lisa died and realises that his suspicions that she was running from someone were right because there is a hooded figure chasing her in the footage.
Deciding he needs to talk to Richard again after his refusal to chat the previous day, Akash makes his way to his house again and this time he is eventually let in. However, any hopes of getting information from Richard are dashed when he is rude and dismissive of Akash's questions and reveals that he left the country to go on a medical training trip the day after she died.
But just when Akash finally seems to be getting somewhere with his questions, Richard gets more agitated and demands he leave... practically throwing him out of the house. Lisa, who was there while the interview was taking place, is stunned when usually neat and tidy Richard throws his mug at the wall in anger and races from the house and down the road to a graveyard, where he finds Lisa's headstone and tells her he is 'sorry'.

Next, we get to find out more about Edward Warren's back story, and it turns out to be darker than we could have imagined.
Ever since Edward took his own life on platform 7 and Lisa befriended him, he has refused to reveal why he killed himself. However, we find out exactly why he was so cagey when his son, Luke, and daughter, Ella, (who also happens to be the same woman Lisa met in episode one) meet at the station to see where their dad died.
However, this isn't a family grieving for a lost loved one, and it soon becomes clear that Edward wasn't a nice man at all.
Ella has been drinking before meeting Luke and we learn that she has a history of drinking and drugs, which turns out to stem from a history of sexual abuse at the hands of her father.
Lisa is shocked to hear what sort of man Edward really is, and even more so when a flashback reminds her that she knows Ella from when she was doing her teacher training and had reported her to a safeguarding lead after she displayed worrying signs of abuse. It is also revealed that Edward didn't take his own life because he was ashamed of abusing his daughter, but it was because Luke had threatened to reveal what sort of man he really was to the world, and Edward couldn't bear to see his high-standing position in the community tarnished.

While Lisa is finding out the grim truth about Edward, Akash is continuing his investigation into her death, which is landing him in trouble at work.
After visiting Lisa's friend, Izzy, to ask questions, it is revealed the pair have known one another since they were little, however, had a falling out a few months before Lisa died, although we don't find out what about.
Later Lisa's colleague, Rosalie, calls Izzy and asks to meet up, but their conversation is awkward and as soon as Matt's name is mentioned, Izzy quits the call. The pair meet later that evening for a drink in the pub where Lisa's surprise party from her flashbacks was held, and Lisa goes along with them, although of course, they can't see her.
Lisa gets the feeling that something happened that night of her party, but can't put her finger on it. As Rosalie and Izzy chat, the subject of Matt comes up again and Izzy looks shifty, and it is clear she is hiding something - and the pair leave their catch-up on bad terms.
Back at platform 7, Ella turns up to confront her dad, not realising that he is actually there in spirit and can hear everything she is saying.
She tells him that she won't be a victim anymore and that she is going to make sure his name is dragged through the mud... leaving Edward more alone at the station than ever with no one loving him enough to release him from his prison.

Later that evening, Lisa is at the house she shared with Matt when he comes home. But things soon take a dark turn when he arrives back with another woman, clearly on a date.
Matt's date asks who Lisa is after seeing a photo of them together and he lies saying she changed in the months before her death and that he ended things with her, but she then took her own life to punish him.
Matt's date is horrified, but Lisa knows he is lying, and goes into the bathroom to cry. But while she is there, she sees a dark hoodie in the wash basket, the same one that the man running after her in the CCTV from the night she died was wearing, and with a sickening realisation she works out that it was Matt who was chasing her.
Did Matt kill Lisa? Or is there even more to this story to come?
All four episodes of Platform 7 are available to watch on ITVX now.