Even as the Mysore City Corporation (MCC) has announced that it was ‘committed’ to ending the menace of single-use plastic, carrying out raids and imposing penalties, the MCC has said that it has also launched an awareness drive in all 65 wards simultaneously where it spreads the message on the ban and the plastics that come under the ban.
“The MCC is not stopping raids and penalties as we are for the strict enforcement of the ban on single-use plastic with strict guidelines from the Centre. Of course, there is resistance and suggestions being sought for the alternatives but the people are getting aware about the ban and adopting alternatives as the enforcement is getting tougher,” said MCC Health Officer D.G. Nagaraj.
Responding to the objections raised by some organisations to the sudden raids and hefty penalties, he said the MCC was implementing what it is there in the law. Moreover, the hefty fines are to encourage those using single-use plastic to end its use. The fines act as a deterrent.
He said autorickshaws equipped with public address systems are going around 65 wards announcing the ban and the support of what the MCC expected from the people. “This will go on until the awareness is generated and the usage is stopped. At the same time, raids will be conducted simultaneously besides joining hands with NGOs and others in bringing out alternatives to single use-plastic.”
The zonal health teams have been strictly told to enforce the ban, he said, adding that the raids may get intensified in the days ahead if the present efforts don’t deter the users. “We also plan to slap fines on the end users as well to send the message,” Dr. Nagaraj said.