Plans have been unveiled for a new building on the site of a Newport primary school which had to have one of its buildings demolished. St Andrew's Primary School in Lliswerry had its historic key stage two building torn down last year after it was found to have significant structural issues.
The problems, identified in March 2021, led to Newport City Council closing the building immediately on safety grounds and around 340 pupils and staff - including all key stage two pupils and staff - have been located at Newport Live’s Connect Centre ever since. Key stage one and nursery pupils remain at St Andrew's as their building is not affected.
Last year the issues with the building were found to be worse than first feared, including complex foundation defects, but the council's plans to demolish the building were held up after bats were found at the site. The demolition eventually took place from August and the council has today Monday, February 13, launched a pre-planning consultation for a new key stage two building.
Read more: Newport Centre gym and fitness services to be relocated ahead of demolition

Members of the public are being asked to give their views on the plans which include a proposed three-storey building, with a planning application due to be submitted later this year. Following a further consultation period, the application will be considered by Newport City Council’s planning committee.
Parents have been given details of the consultation and further information on the construction works will be made available following the appointment of the main contractor. The consultation ends on March 13 and you can view the documents or find out more here.
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