Plans to overhaul a 1960s estate with ‘difficult to let’ properties have taken another step forward.
Homes on Albert, Chapel and Lloyds Courts on New Street in Altrincham, managed by Trafford Housing Trust, are set for a change and residents are being offered another chance to have their say on proposals. The housing group was considering investing in the existing buildings on site, which it said have become outdated and not fit for purpose.
Last year, the company indicated that while investment in the existing buildings was not ‘off the table,’ it was set to be incredibly expensive and the idea of knocking down the buildings and starting from scratch was also a possibility.
Now, things have progressed and residents are set to get a bird-eye view of the new plans via a new video and they will be able to have their say.

The programme is set to see 138 new properties created, including 104 new townhouses and one, two and three-bedroom apartments in and around New Street, which THT said will ‘provide greater housing choices for all age groups and a mix of housing type and tenure’.
Ben Townsend, director of developer at Trafford Housing Trust, said: “We have listened to what customers and neighbours have told us is important to them from our first consultation and made some changes to the proposed scheme. These include revised parking plans for the terraced housing, the introduction of short stay visitor parking spaces and a commitment to increasing the number of trees overall in and around the development.
“We are confident that our revised plans will be well received and look forward to receiving further comments during this second consultation. The development of this part of Altrincham is key to the regeneration of the town centre as a whole and plays a vital role in upgrading the quality and choice of affordable housing in the area.”
Consultation on the draft proposals is now open and is running until May 25.

Any comments or feedback received will be included in the planning application, which is due to be submitted later this year. For more information and to have your say on the plans, visit THT’s website here or email