This story contains the image of an Aboriginal person who has passed.
LOCAL Wirrigan Aboriginal Elder Uncle Bill Smith could be commemorated in perpetuity at Cooranbong with plans to name a reserve after him in the Watagan Park development.
Mr Smith was an active community member, passionate about protecting the land, the waters and the people.
Known for his calm but powerful voice and his ability to create opportunities for the community to come together, he worked tirelessly to facilitate reconciliation and understanding.
Now, Lake Macquarie City Council wants to name a reserve after him as the Uncle Bill Wirrigan Park and the Geographical Names Board (GNB) is looking for feedback.
GNB chair Narelle Underwood said she wants to make sure everyone has an opportunity to have their say on the proposed name.
"Through place naming, communities have the opportunity to unlock past stories, preserve traditions, reawaken language and provide a sense of belonging and identity," she said.
The reserve is on the corner of Maguire Drive and Rancher Avenue.

One of Mr Smith's many contribution to the community was his involvement in establishing the Newcastle All Blacks, the National Aboriginal Rugby League Association and the Awabakal Newcastle Aboriginal Cooperative.
Known as a gifted storyteller, he used his abilities to educate and unite communities - sharing knowledge and his love for Aboriginal culture and heritage.
Hundreds of people gathered at Newcastle Stadium to celebrate Mr Smith's life at his funeral in November 2021.
To make a submission before November 30, visit the GNB website.