Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan on Wednesday wrote to Prime Minister Narendra Modi seeking his personal intervention with Russia for ensuring a safe passage for Indians trapped in Ukraine's eastern cities which are in the midst of heavy military action.
In a letter, Mr. Vijayan asked Mr. Modi to ensure a safe passage and create a ‘‘humanitarian corridor” for the students to exit the war zone from cities including Kharkiv and Sumy. He also sought urgent measures for the supply of food and water by involving organisations such as Red Cross.
''Our students are facing starvation in bunkers as their supplies of water and food have run out,'' he said, adding that Kharkiv and Sumy have been witnessing heavy bombing and shelling.
As the students are unclear as to what they should do, many are trying to flee to western Ukraine on their own, risking their lives, he said.
Mostly from west
As many as 244 students are back home in Kerala through the efforts taken by the Centre through Operation Ganga, Mr. Vijayan said. On the other hand, the evacuation efforts have been concentrated on the Ukranian capital Kiyv and the relatively safe western cities, Mr. Vijayan noted. The situation in the east has meanwhile deteriorated with the intensification of the war, he said, reiterating the need to step up evacuation efforts.