The ambivalence of our relationship with animals is embedded in our language’s history (Farm animals and humans should be treated the same, children say, 11 April). When serving their new masters in tending the beasts of the field, farm workers would have talked of an Old English sceap (sheep), cu (cow) or caelf (calf). But once it was butchered and served, the food became the Norman French moton (mutton), boef (beef) and veel (veal). A pig may have been a pic, hocg or swin when alive, but ended up as pork on the plate.
Austen Lynch
Garstang, Lancashire
• After reading of Stan Godfrey’s letter to Mary Whitehouse about herpes (Letters, 8 April), I wondered if he was responsible for a Department of Health letter I received, as the social services manager overseeing a project some years later: “Dear Mr Bright, I understand you are responsible for Aids/HIV in Cambridgeshire...”
Les Bright
• Reading Monday’s sport pages in the print edition, I noticed that there were 19 columns on one football match (Manchester City v Liverpool) and one column on seven county cricket matches. Good to see you being so supportive of county cricket.
David J Bray
Nelson, Lancashire
• Silent characters in The Archers can be a blessing (Letters, 10 April) and we would benefit from having a few more. Is there any chance of Ruth joining their ranks? Please.
Tom Uprichard
• As I drafted an email to a friend, my spellchecker highlighted “Dorries” and suggested “Ignore all”. Artificial intelligence at work?
Richard Hanson-James
Reading, Berkshire