This article contains spoilers for Physical: 100 season 2 episode 3, "Back Home". Physical: 100 season 2 has tasked a new batch of super-fit stars from all walks of life with a fresh set of trials as the search for the ultimate physique continues in the hit Netflix Korean challenge show's second series.
The third episode of Physical: 100 reveals the results of the remaining One-on-One matches from Quest 1, treating us to plenty more hard-fought battles and showing which members of the Physical: 100 season 2 cast survived to face the next task. With the pool of competitors cut in half, Quest 2 is revealed... and it's safe to say the competitors are a little intimidated by what they face next! Here's a full recap of Physical: 100 season 2 episode 3.
More brawls
Episode 3 throws us right back into the action, with Emmanuel and Kim Dong-hyun rushing into Arena C for their face-off. Emmanuel manages to get to the ball first, and the pair spend most of their time on the floor, locked in grapples. Emmanuel has the ball for most of their three-minute fight (he even grabs hold of it with his feet at one point).
With less than 20 seconds to spare, Kim Dong-hyun manages to wrestle the ball free and slams down on it on the mat; Emmanuel's not able to get it back and his time in Physical: 100 is over.
Next up, we see Ssireum wrestler Hwang Chan-seob take on bodybuilder Kim Min-su, aka "Thanos", in Arena A. Chang-seob is surprised by Kim Min-su's strength and agility in the arena; the bodybuilder closes in on him quickly and, once he gets his hands on the ball and drops to the ground, Chang-seob's unable to get it back. Afterwards, the wrestler admits he might've been a tad cocky and underestimated his opponent.
After their battle, there's a flurry of clips revealing the victors of several matches from Arena B, wherein Chang Yong-heung, Joo Min-kyung, Justin Harvey and Lee Jang-kun all come out on top. Plus, we see Kang Cheong-myeong, Seo Young-woo, and Jung Ji-hyun all win their matches in Arena C.
The next match we see in full is between Kim Hye-bin and Kim Dam-bi. Both are smaller than a lot of their fellow Physical: 100 competitors, but this proves to be one of the most evenly-matched bouts of Quest 2. Their three minutes conclude with neither declared the victor, and the pair endure two rounds of overtime before weightlifter Kim Dam-bi ultimately emerges victorious.
Another big match follows: it's judo legend Lee Won-hee vs Park Hee-jun. Park was ranked in the top 50 competitors, and he didn't hesitate when given the choice to face such a foe. Initially, he runs into Arena A and goes straight for the ball, but when Lee strides in and bows to him, he drops the ball, bows, and prepares to face him in combat instead.
Lee Won-hee soon manages to get hold of Park Hee-jun and soon has him pinned to the floor. Park does his best to break free but it's all in vain; just before time runs out, Lee leaves him on the ground and dashes for the ball which he keeps hold of to secure his place in Quest 2.
Their match is followed by another montage of wins: Kang Young-seo, Park Da-sol and Jung You-in all won their bouts in Arena C, Park Ha-yan emerged victorious from Arena A, and Lim Soo-jin and Go Min-jung both won in Arena B.
The final One-on-One match follows, and it's a ferocious one to end on. Actor and martial artist Lee Jae-yoon takes on bodybuilder Kim Nam-wook in the octagon. Partway through, the match is stopped; Kim Nam-wook is struck during a grapple, and his nose starts bleeding. As a penalty, he's given the ball and the match restarts.
Lee Jae-yoon wastes no time in trying to get the upper hand; he suplexes his opponent and eventually manages to spring onto the ball when it comes loose in the fray. Lee Jae-yoon's crowned the winner of their brawl but lies down on the mat, clutching his stomach, and he later explains that he'd felt some sharp pain from his ribs when Kim Nam-wook tried to pull the ball free, but he powered through as securing the win was more important to him in the moment.
With half the competitors eliminated, the surviving stars returned to the entrance hall, which looks much emptier without all those extra torso sculptures in it. There, the stars get a taste of what's to come in Quest 2, which will be a five-on-five team match. From their reactions, and the few clips we saw of the next challenge, it's going to be even tougher than they all thought!
Physical: 100 season 2 is now streaming on Netflix. If you can't wait for more episodes to drop, check out our guide to the Physical: 100 season 2 release schedule so you know when they'll be ready to watch.