I'm much looking forward to this program on free speech Thursday, March 13 at 6 pm in Phoenix, particularly because I've long so admired Justice Bolick. I first met him when I was a law student, and he had just recently before cofounded the Institute for Justice; he went on to become one of the leading libertarian lawyers in the country.
Since joining the bench, he has become one of the leading proponents of state courts interpreting their state constitutions differently (and often more broadly) than the U.S. Supreme Court has interpreted the federal Constitution. (They are, after all, often worded quite differently.) He's an excellent and creative legal thinker, and it's always a pleasure to have a conversation with him. If any of you are around Phoenix then, and are inclined to join us, it would be great to see you there.
The post Phoenix Conversation March 13 with Arizona Supreme Court Justice Clint Bolick appeared first on Reason.com.