A petition to ban Katie Price from owning pets has now gathered 27,000 signatures after a slew of animal deaths prompted the action.
It comes after news Katie, 44, was allegedly recently reported to the RSPCA amid accusations that she has been 'neglecting her chihuahuas'.
An eye-witness claimed they had seen the star’s beloved dogs walking around in their own excrement beside their 'filthy cages '.
Lifting the lid on the situation, an insider claimed that toilet roll can be seen 'strewn across a hard wooden floor' which they claimed is full of 'excrement and grime'.
The former glamour model has faced increasing backlash over the years with fans pointing out a number of animals in her care have died, including several dogs, a horse, a hedgehog and a chameleon.

The Change.org petition, which was started three years ago, makes many claims against the mum-of-five accusing her of leaving animal faeces on the floor to grow mold, lack of care and are trained to attack.
Posting on the website, the source claims: “In the last 5 years more animals have died from lack of care. Horses. dogs.cats lizards hedgehogs. This isn't a single family tragedy. It's a common thing in Katie price home. 2 dogs have been ran over...

“Puppies were found dead drowning in a neglected swimming pool. A horse was run over on a motorway. Animals just go missing in her home never to been seen again. Her guard dog broke into her neighbours garden and killed their chickens...
“A dog trained to attack people. Also ripped her cat apart. The neglect seen on her show my crazy life. Cat poo with mold growing on it. Dog poo just left on the floor. Clothes dumped all over the place...
“Alger growing in her pool where her puppy drowned. She jokes about her mucky mansion. But it ain't a joke that animals are dying from her lack of care...

“Being left alone to meet untimely deaths an nobody is saying enough is enough an carry on selling her animals. 3 weeks a bull dog puppy named rola was in her care...
“Nobody knows including her how it died. We need to stop this now no more animals need to die [sic]”.
The original poster of the petition amended their information later on, adding: “Sorry people I did actually make a mistake concerning blade. KPs guard dog.
“He didn't actually kill Katie price cat. He ripped it's tail off when he went into a frenzy an attacked the cats. Just wanted to apologize to blade."
When initially posted the petition quickly gained over 10,000 signatures but after the death of Katie’s Pomeranian Sharon's death last year, it has gathered even more support.
According to The Sun, a source close to Katie said: “It's shocking to see the conditions those poor dogs are living in...
“After all that's happened with Katie's pets in the past you'd have thought she would be going above and beyond for her dogs, but that doesn't seem to be the case.
“She might have renovated her home but the dogs don't appear to be benefiting from it and still live in squalor.”
In November 2022 her dog Sharon was killed after she allegedly escaped and ran onto the road and she was hit by a car.
In 2017, one of Katie's horses was killed after it was struck by a vehicle, a year after that a delivery driver ran over her Alsatian, Queenie.
Her pet Chameleon Marvin died of a 'broken heart' that same year as her children Princess and Junior went to stay with their dad Peter Andre.

During an episode of her old reality show, Katie admitted Princess' pet hedgehog Peggy was nowhere to be found.
Katie's German Shepard Sparkle was struck by a car in 2020 and just months later her French Bulldog Rolo suffocated when the family's nanny sat on it.
Sparkle's half-sister, Bear, had three near-death experiences in a matter of weeks on the same road and was fortunately found on the dual carriageway by a policeman.
And after a run-in with another dog in April 2019, Katie rehomed the £1,000 hound for its own safety, with her rep telling the Mirror at the time: "Yes she’s had to give Bear away because he kept running onto the road and he had bitten another dog.
"He had to go to the vets but because he was a risk to people they decided to give him back to the breeder. The vet advised this.
"Katie wouldn’t have wanted anything to happen to anyone, animals or children."
Katie currently owns chihuahuas Captain, Buddy, Colin and Batman, and guard dog Blade, and is thought to be 'devastated' about the petition against her owning animals.
The Mirror has contacted Katie's representatives for a comment.