A woman is sharing her experience with a pet psychic who helped her overcome the sudden death of her dog.
Brandy Meadows, 43, found herself at a loss when six-year-old Lillie unexpectedly passed away last month.
She reached out to a psychic for an animal reading, and was surprised to hear him recall personal family memories, including her dog's favourite person, how she died and who she'd met in heaven.
Brandy told The Mirror : "I was actually amazed when speaking to him because of the amount of detail he could give that was accurate, and there was no way for him to know without speaking to her."

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In January 2016, Brandy's husband, Johnny Meadows, 50, brought home a tiny six-month-old puppy to surprise her.
Instantly, Brandy, from Kentucky, US, knew she was her "soul dog" and said she "loved her family fiercely".
Lillie suffered with separation anxiety, and as a result, spent every waking moment in someone else's company.
Brandy explained: "I worked as a nurse practitioner in a small clinic and my patients would light up when Lillie went to work with me. She often helped break the ice."
Lillie enjoyed being with Brandy and Johnny, but especially loved Brandy's dad, Bert Stanley, 67.
"They would have adventures all day together. Lillie loved to play in the snow, run on the trampoline, swim in water, ride in cars and stay in hotels," Brandy said.
"Going on walks was her favourite thing to do."

On 27 March, Brandy and Johnny took Lillie for a walk at the lake - though they never realised it would be her last.
"It was a beautiful day and we were walking for 15 minutes. Then suddenly Lillie stopped walking and I knew in my gut that something was wrong," Brandy said.
Johnny scooped Lillie into his arms and hurried her back to the car, where they immediately rushed to find an out-of-hours vet.
"We loaded everything into the car and drove to the closest emergency vet, which was about 10 minutes away," Brandy said.
"But Lillie passed away in her bed with me cradling her before we made it.

"We have no idea what happened to her, and it just hurt my husband and I to the core.
"I had to make the phone call to my dad, who never imagined I'd be telling him his Lillie had passed.
"That night, we buried her in my front yard beside my late fur baby, Byron."
The vet didn't know what had happened to Lillie, leaving Brandy and her family without any closure.
"I can only describe it as horrible," she said.
Six-year-old Lillie was the couple's only pet, and their son had married and moved away.
"After Lillie's passing, my grief had become unbearable. I couldn't eat, sleep or work. My husband was suffering from significant grief as well," Brandy said.

"I knew there had to be others like us, so I searched on Facebook for grief groups and numerous came up.
"Then I saw 'Psychic Animal Readings For All Animals ', run by psychic animal whisperer, Jay Dobson, from New Zealand.
"I began reading through the posts and saw how many people were like me, just wanting answers and suffering from tremendous grief from losing their beloved pet.
"So I sent a private message to Jay with a couple of photos and explained I just needed help with closure.
"We spoke on the phone and I asked him how Lillie had passed. Jay began to describe what he was feeling from Lillie and explained how she acting while she was passing.
"It would have been hard to know some of the details if he didn't feel it from Lillie, because we haven't told many people what happened, and we hadn't posted it anywhere for him to read.

"He confirmed our suspicions about what happened to Lillie and then described our late dog Byron perfectly.
"I became very emotional at this point. He knew about my dad being one of Lillie's favourite people and was even able to describe how she would do treats with him.
"Finally, he let us know how Lillie was still with us. I enjoyed speaking to him so much, it gave me closure and brought some of my happiness back."
Brandy left the animal reading feeling relieved and impressed with Jay - who even managed to communicate with two other women, Brandy's mother and grandmother.
She has since had another reading and strongly recommends seeing a pet psychic if you are struggling to grieve the loss of a pet.
Brandy added: "I still have days where I can cry about Lillie, but I am having more happier days remembering all the beautiful things."

Speaking to The Mirror, pet psychic, Jay Dobson, said: "I love doing animal readings and I enjoy helping people. I use my spirit guide to translate what the animals want to say to me.
"Two readings are never the same. I've spoken to horses, cats, birds, sheep and dogs.
"I don't remember much from the readings because it's not coming from me, it's coming to me, but I do remember Brandy's was a good one."
Do you have a dog story to tell? Contact nia.dalton@reachplc.com.