A pet dog was shot and killed by a farmer as its "horrified" owner looked on.
The dog reportedly broke free of its lead and attacked a sheep on a farm on March 13. However, when the pooch failed to respond to its owner's attempts to call the creature back, the farmer shot it, police said.
Cheshire Police and Rural Crime Team shared information about the 'very sad event', that occurred in Cheshire, on their Facebook page, warning other dog owners to keep control of their pets to avoid such incidents happening, North Wales Live writes.
Sergeant Simpson said: "A dog broke free of its lead and went on to worry a number of sheep injuring one, leaving it with bite marks to its nose and under its chin. This horrific incident was witnessed by the owner who tried to recall the dog, but it wouldn't return.
"Numerous attempts were made by the dog's owner and the farmer who arrived on scene, before they were left with no other option.
"Again the action taken was witnessed by everyone present and it's upsetting for all involved. No-one wants to shoot a family pet, but it's clear in law that someone protecting their livestock have this option available to them.
"Ask yourself, if my dog broke free from its lead, am I happy that it will listen to my commands? Have I really got 'control'?
"If you're not sure, please keep it away from livestock, even if you're using a lead." An officer at the scene of the incident, in Disley, said all involved, including the farmer and dog owner are co-operating with the police.
Just days before, Sergeant Simpson had shared a letter on the Rural Crime Team Facebook page that had been put on a local farmers gate. The note read:
"We have pregnant ewes in this field. We have just had the vet to put down a pregnant ewe. Please keep your dogs on a lead. They may not attack but can still scare and chase our ewes."
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