Summer is a prime time for ants because they make the most out of the warm conditions and freely available food. Because it's hot, many of us keep windows and doors open, which these critters might take advantage of.
Luckily, there are ways of keeping ants outside your home without having to use toxic products which can quite often be expensive.
Adam Juson, co-founder of commercial pest control company, Merlin Environmental, has shared his "natural method" of getting rid of ants which doesn't have to cost a lot of money.
He recommends using powdered charcoal, which can cost as little as £2.99 on eBay for a 25g pack.
Adam told The Mirror: "If you're looking to deter ants, powdered charcoal is a natural method that works.
"It's not fully understood why ants don't like charcoal, but it may be because charcoal disrupts the pheromone scent trails that ants use to communicate and navigate."
He also recommends adding charcoal into your plant pots, which ants sometimes thrive in. Adam explained: "Ants have a habit of nesting in plant pots. Charcoal is certainly a great way to prevent this. By simply mixing charcoal with the earth, ants will not choose your plant's pots to nest in."
That being said, leaving powdered charcoal on your floor can be quite messy, so he has recommended some other ant deterrents.
He said: "Powdered charcoal can be quite messy to have in your home. Some less messy ant deterrents include essential oils such as clove, peppermint, or citrus."
Even if you use any of these natural deterrents to stop the ants coming in, it's important to seal up up any entrances they are using.
Adam said: "Regardless of which natural ant deterrent you choose, it's always best to seal up any entry point to your building with Polyfila to block ants from coming in.
"You should also always practice cleanliness by removing food and water sources around your home – particularly sweet or protein-rich foods, ensuring everything is either in the fridge or wrapped in clingfilm, or packed into Tupperware containers. Always clean away crumbs and spills immediately.
"If the problem persists you may also need to resort to a more aggressive approach, such as using boric acid ant baits."
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