The Dnipro Kids charity chairman has successfully got the backing of his fellow Perth and Kinross councillors to mark Ukraine Independence Day.
Steven Carr was elected as a Perth and Kinross councillor for the SNP in May, 2022.
At a meeting of Perth and Kinross Council this week councillors unanimously agreed to hold a parade event on the North Inch on Wednesday, August 24.
Strathallan councillor Steven Carr put forward the motion when councillors met on Wednesday, August 17.
He called on councillors to show their continued support to the hundreds of Ukrainian people who had recently settled in Perth and Kinross.

Cllr Carr said: " Perth and Kinross Council has now welcomed over 300 displaced Ukrainians and provided them with safe homes during a time of unprecedented aggression in their own country.
"For someone that has spent many years supporting Ukrainian children through the Dnipro Kids charity it fills me with pride that Perth and Kinross Council is leading the way with support for these families.
"On August 24, 1991 the Declaration of Independence of Ukraine was officially ratified separating Ukraine from the former Soviet Union and passing control of the country to the recently elected Verkhovna Rada."
He spoke of how part of the declaration - for Ukraine to be "indivisible and inviolable" - was now under threat.
He said: "Men and women are sacrificing their lives to defend Ukraine, trying to halt the Russian aggression, Russian atrocities and the devastation caused by war.
"It is impossible for us to imagine the circumstances that would cause someone to up and leave their own home with nothing more than they could carry, leaving behind friends and family and to head to a foreign land for safety not knowing if they will even have a home to return to."

He told councillors Wednesday's event on Perth's North Inch could be an "opportunity for Ukrainians in Perth and Kinross to come together, link up with other Ukrainians, help overcome language barriers , create new friendships and to receive the support they need during difficult times".
The motion was seconded by Bailie Alasdair Bailey who regularly visited Ukraine for work and has friends there.
The Labour councillor said: "The parade will be a great opportunity for not only displaced people from Ukraine to mark their independence day but also for people from across Perth and Kinross to show solidarity by marching alongside them in common cause. If things were the other way around, we’d be grateful for the support of others while we worked to restore peace in our country so the least we can do is support the people of Ukraine in every way we can."
Executive director of communities Barbara Renton told the chamber: "If we get this approval today the parade would take place - with a number of other activities - on the North Inch."
Councillors unanimously gave their approval.
After the meeting Cllr Carr told the Local Democracy Reporting Service he hoped as many local organisations, schools and clubs as possible would show their support and attend the event.
The parade will start from the 51 st Memorial Monument on Perth's North Inch at 6.30pm on Wednesday, August 24 and will be followed by a small programme of entertainment, speeches and food.
Those wishing to take part should meet at the 51 st Memorial Monument at 6.15pm.