A Perth and Kinross councillor is disappointed schoolkids are not being given free rein to choose a name for the new bridge and road on the Cross Tay Link Road.
At a meeting of Perth and Kinross Council on Wednesday, May 10 councillors approved a regal shortlist of three pairs of names which include Coronation Crossing and Destiny Road.
Perth and Kinross schoolkids will now be asked to vote for their favourite pair from the choice of three which Cllr Brian Leishman believes is a missed opportunity.
The Perth City North councillor said: "I’m disappointed that we are giving our children a predetermined shortlist because giving them a list is nothing more than a tick box exercise - it’s certainly not proper community involvement and engagement. Giving a list is a back door way of getting the wishes councillors want and not those of the people we serve.
"Children and young people are the future, and we need to get them involved in decision making and local matters as much as we possibly can.

"I think we have missed a great chance to empower our children by giving them a blank canvas and let them come up with the names for the bridge and the road. By doing this we would have created an event, encouraged participation and even given our teachers the opportunity in their lessons to incorporate the rich history of our region, the beautiful places we call home and explain the feats and achievements of many inspirational people that come from Perth and Kinross."
The Labour councillor - who did not watch King Charles III's Coronation - added: "And when you consider the £250 million spent on the Coronation and how many hungry people that would have fed it really is obvious that we are a country that has some seriously questionable priorities."
The options are:
1. Coronation Crossing and Destiny Road
2. King’s Bridge and Destiny Road
3. Destiny Bridge and New Kingsway.
The vote will be done via an electronic ballot in May 2023 with the winning names announced in June 2023.