Perth and Kinross Council will next week be asked to consider no longer celebrating events with fireworks.
A motion is being tabled for the council to use a more sustainable and contemporary alternative on Bonfire Night and the Christmas Lights Switch On event.
The motion being put forward by two Perth councillors claims that "for many people fireworks are the opposite of fun" and cause "fear and distress".
The motion will be put forward by Perth City North Labour councillor Brian Leishman and seconded by Perth City Centre SNP councillor Eric Drysdale. It will be tabled when Perth and Kinross councillors meet on Wednesday for the final council meeting of the year.
Cllr Leishman told the Local Democracy Reporting Service fireworks have a negative impact on many local residents - including those with autism and refugees who have fled war - as well as animals.

The Perth City North councillor said: "I am proposing that Perth and Kinross move away from using fireworks to celebrate events such as Bonfire Night and the Christmas Lights Switch On.
"Occasions like those are massively important for our community and everyone should feel safe and able to participate in them but for so many people in our communities, fireworks have a negative impact. Fireworks can mean fear and distress for children and people with autism; for veterans that have bravely served our country and now live with stress and trauma, and for refugees who have settled in Perth after fleeing war and are looking for peace to rebuild their lives and make a new place their home.
"We also claim to be a nation of animal lovers but by launching and exploding fireworks we put pets and wildlife through dreadful experiences and for some animals it ends up being a fatal ordeal."
Katie McCandless-Thomas of Missing Pets, Perth and Kinross will address councillors next week to highlight the "horrendous" effect fireworks have on animals.
She told the Local Democracy Reporting Service: "It's just horrendous. We see the effects they have on animals. Every year dogs go missing and it's not just dogs - cats, horses they are just absolutely traumatised.
"In this day and age there are safer alternatives to fireworks."
Cllr Leishman is concerned about the environmental impact too.
He said: "We recognise the importance of our environment and are committed to tackling climate change but ironically, we then choose to deliberately release significant amounts of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide into the atmosphere and a cocktail of chemicals such as barium, strontium and cadmium, that are detrimental to air, land and water."
He told the Perthshire Advertiser: "I watched the fireworks display at the Christmas Lights Switch On and could see the debris making its way into the Tay."

In September Liberal Democrat councillor Liz Barrett raised concerns about the environmental impact of both fireworks and the bonfire at a council committee meeting. The Perth Common Good Fund Committee this year agreed to grant £22,094 to Perth and Strathearn 200 Round Table to organise the 2022 display at Perth's South Inch. The Perth City South councillor - who vice-convenes PKC's Climate Change and Sustainability committee - requested an environmental impact assessment be conducted before councillors consider budgeting for the 2023 fireworks event. This was agreed by members of the Perth Common Good Fund Committee.
On Wednesday, December 21 all councillors will be given a free vote to decide whether or not PKC should move away from fireworks.
Cllr Leishman said: "I want us to move away from fireworks and towards a more modern alternative such as laser or light shows, something contemporary that is safe and enjoyable for all our communities.
"I hope that they will join me and my seconder Cllr Drysdale in looking to provide something new, exciting and more inclusive for people in Perth and Kinross to enjoy."