The new SNP administration at Perth and Kinross Council has made tackling the cost of living crisis its top priority.
In his first action as council leader Grant Laing tabled an urgent motion to allocate over £700,000 to help those struggling in Perth and Kinross.
The motion - seconded by Labour's Alasdair Bailey - was voted through as councillors met for the first time since the May 5 elections.
All 40 Perth and Kinross councillors met on Wednesday, May 25. The majority were gathered in the council chambers in Perth with two or three taking part in the meeting remotely via Teams.
Councillors voted for the SNP - as the largest political group with 16 of the 40 councillors - to take charge of Perth and Kinross Council as a minority administration. There is no coalition. Strathtay SNP councillor Grant Laing has been made council leader and Perth City Centre SNP councillor Eric Drysdale deputy leader.
After being declared leader Cllr Grant Laing brought forward an urgent motion to help tackle the cost of living crisis.
The motion pledged to allocate £104,000 from COVID reserves to "fund food insecurity during holiday periods" and a further £600,00 from COVID reserves to a new Financial Inclusion Fund for non-council tenants.
Cllr Laing said: "The fund will be on similar lines as the scheme run by the housing team for council tenants but will be available to target financial assistance to non-council tenants struggling when faced with the various strands that make up the cost of living crisis."
Conservative councillor Chris Ahern queried if the funding would only be available to those on benefits.

Cllr Laing said: "Anyone who applies for the Financial Inclusion Fund will have their benefits checked by the Welfare Rights team to make sure they are not missing out on other benefits before they access the money. So they may be able to find another funding source. We'll be leaving it up to the Welfare Rights team to make judgment calls - as they do every day - on where this should be dispersed."
Seconding Labour councillor Alasdair Bailey said: "I’m very happy to second this motion which will see this council make a significant difference for families in need.
"By agreeing this motion today, we’ll be giving families and service providers reassurance that holiday hunger schemes will continue to operate through the coming new academic year. The summer holiday is already covered but this gives certainty about October, Christmas, and next Easter."
He said the £600,000 would "help immensely with the ‘financial shock’ element of this cost of living crisis".
He added: "It will also go a long way towards tiding people over who are at crisis point due to the cost of pretty much everything rocketing just now.
"It’s not a long-term fix but it will help those who are experiencing hardship right now."
Conservative leader John Duff "welcomed" the motion and said the previous Conservative administration had previously budgeted for food and activities during school holidays.
He said this latest funding would "help families and young people facing the prospect of not having the availability of school meals during the holiday periods and also all those who may struggle to keep a roof over their heads given the cost of living crisis we are facing".
After the meeting Cllr Laing said: "The cost of living crisis and the continuing COVID recovery situation continues to put more pressure than ever before on some of the most vulnerable residents of Perth and Kinross and we must take immediate action.
"Food and shelter are two of the most basic human needs, and this investment will help adults and young people across Perth and Kinross who are facing impossible choices each day as disposable income becomes stretched further."