Grand Theft Auto 6 is still on track for a console release in the fall of this year, and a PC version of the game is still firmly in the realm of wishful thinking. So as you can imagine, there was a collective gasp of hope when Corsair Gaming vice president of finance and investor relationship Ronald van Ween mentioned a not-too-distant PC launch during the company's recent quarterly financial call. And then the air went completely out of it because, of course, Corsair immediately walked it all back.
"GTA 6 is probably the one everyone is talking about," van Ween said in response to a question about the impact of upcoming games on hardware sales. "And we'll get a glimpse of that, I think, later on in the year for console. My understanding now, it's going to come out in the fall for console, and then early '26 for PC."
That's pretty definitive, and believable too, if perhaps a little optimistic. Rockstar has a long history of releasing its big games on PC well after the console versions drop, going all the way back to Grand Theft Auto 3, and the shortest span between them—for GTA 3, Vice City, and GTA 4—has been seven months. If GTA 6 makes its fall 2025 release target (and, Take-Two's "steady as she goes" notwithstanding, we're not so sure about that) and matches the company's quickest prior turnaround, the PC release would land more in the realm of April or May—which I'd consider more of a mid-2026 window, really.
Not that it matters all that terribly much, because shortly after van Ween's comment came to public light, Corsair shot it all down, telling IGN that he was merely speculating, and that Corsair hasn't been provided any kind of PC release target by either Take-Two or Rockstar.
Well, it was fun while it lasted. If you're of a conspiratorial bent, you might think back to the time that Warner Bros. Discovery CEO David Zaslav casually revealed during an investors call that Mortal Kombat 12, which previously did not exist in any official sense, was on the way; and given how that turned out to be true, you might also wonder if perhaps Corsair's takeback was not so much because van Ween was just shooting from the hip, but because someone got a not-too-happy email from Strauss Zelnick about it. I would certainly not suggest that's the case—if Corsair says it's not so, then it's not so. I'm just, you know, speculating.