Dogs are some of the most adorable, happy, affectionate, and overall wholesome creatures on this planet, but there are still people who treat them as if they mean nothing. Fortunately, for every inhumane person like that, there are many more of those who will do everything they can to give an animal in need the life they deserve.
A perfect example of this happened just a few months ago when the Pennsylvania Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) got a tip about the location of several horribly mistreated dogs. But even though right after the rescue, the animals looked tragic, with the proper care, they didn’t take long to get back to their old, happy selves. Scroll down to find out all about it!
Dogs may be too good for this world, but since they’re here anyway, it’s up to us to give them the best lives possible and protect them from those who want to harm them

A few months ago, Pennsylvania SPCA rescued 17 horrendously mistreated dogs who were all thin, balding, and almost all out of hope
It was almost 4 months ago when an unnamed Good Samaritan reached out to Pennsylvania SPCA, saying that 17 dogs were living nearby them in what appeared to be horrific conditions. Having learned this, the animal law enforcement rescuers didn’t waste any time and headed straight there.
One look at the site proved that the tip was correct. “The dogs, who should have had beautiful, fluffy white coats, were instead nearly hairless with crusted scabs and open wounds,” wrote the Pennsylvania SPCA on their Facebook post after a successful rescue.

One of the dogs stood out from the crowd as, despite the horrors he endured, he was very quick to adjust to his new surroundings and remained friendly with humans around him
Among all the rescuees, one dog stood out in particular. Given the name Coda, the new arrival adjusted very quickly, remaining friendly with everyone despite all the horrible things that some other humans put him through.
“After everything he had been through, he remained so forgiving and resilient,” a Pennsylvania SPCA representative told The Dodo, adding, “He loved being around people. It was as if he knew we were there to help.”

He soon regained his health and happiness and was adopted by a loving family who couldn’t believe how selflessly affectionate he was, especially knowing his story
It took a little while, but Coda was soon starting to look like his old self. Having a feeding plan devised by veterinarians just for him, as well as receiving medicated baths multiple times a day, the dog’s health improved, and he began regrowing his beautiful white coat.
Soon, the pup was medically cleared and moved to a foster home for a short while before finding a new owner and a home that he deserved all along. As a bonus, he also got a new name – Bo.

Nowadays, Bo lives a carefree life surrounded by mutual love. “He is the best dog ever!” joyously shared the pup’s new owner. “I’ve never met a more affectionate dog — all he wants is love. He wants to be friends with every person and every dog he meets.”
His rescuers are just happy to see the dog get his second chance, saying that a sight like Bo excitedly leaving with his new family makes their job absolutely worth it.

Adopting animals from a shelter is not only a lot cheaper but also saves lives, opens up spots for other animals in need, and might result in a once-in-a-lifetime friendship
Adopting a dog from an animal shelter or an animal foster home can lead to many wholesome connections like that between Bo and his new family. However, that is not the only reason why doing something like this is an amazing idea.
As per the article on the Worldwide Veterinary Service webpage, there are many reasons why adoption is a whole lot better than buying a dog from breeders, with the most obvious part, of course, being money. Getting an animal from a shelter is much cheaper, as you only pay for the necessary procedures.

Another, arguably a lot more important, reason is that by doing this, you’re definitely saving a life, and possibly more than one. Adoption not only gives a safe space to your new pet but also frees up space in already overcrowded shelters, giving a spot for another unfortunate animal with no place to go.
Moreover, by choosing to adopt, you’re likely helping prevent overpopulation by not incentivizing the breeder you’d be otherwise buying from to bring another pup into an already overcrowded world. That is, if the breeder is at least a decent person and doesn’t engage in backyard breeding, where dogs are forced to breed and kept in horrendous conditions, similar to the pups in our story.
And lastly, you’ll not only get a healthy dog with the lifetime support of shelter employees, who know everything about him or her and will be able to help you every step of the way, but you also just might find your dream pet, as Bo’s family did, which will lead to many priceless moments for the cost of an open mind and a little bit of money.

In the end, dogs might really be too good for this world. However, they’re here regardless, and with the way our planet currently is, it is up to us to help them have the best lives possible.
There will always be horrible people who mistreat these wonderful creatures without feeling bad about it, just like someone did with the dogs in our story. But while we may not always be able to prevent or stop it, if you ever see something like this going on, please be sure to inform those who are properly equipped to help. That’s the least we can do.
What did you think about this story? Have you ever adopted an animal from a shelter? Share it all in the comments below!
The commenters were saddened by people treating dogs so poorly but didn’t forget to express their thankfulness to the rescuers who made sure that the pups got a second chance