Students and businesses around the site of a huge new Nottingham Trent University building have shared their mixed opinions. Building works are underway at the site of the new nine storey School of Art and Design facility.
The new university building on the corner of Shakespeare Street and North Sherwood Street is replacing three Victorian townhouses and is costing £35 million. NTU says the investment is expected to create over 350 jobs and support its zero carbon commitment.
Forensic science student Matthew Biggs, 22, said: "Considering the old Art and Design school, it is probably a good thing. We are not normally based on this campus so it does not affect us but its good they are doing it near the end of term.
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"I mean this campus probably needs an upgrade. There has been a lot of focus on the Clifton campus so city students deserve something as well." Aphden Bloodworth, 22, who is also a NTU student, said: "It feels like they have tried to go for an Art Deco style, I prefer modern stuff. It fits the school it is for."
A 20-year-old law student, who asked not to be named, said: "It would not affect me and I haven't been bothered by the noise because it is near the end of term." Another law student, who asked to remain anonymous, added: "It does not really fit in with next door or the other buildings. It is quite a big building."

The Playwright pub next door to the site has been affected by the building works. Supervisor Maisie Gill, 23, said: "I know for a while we could not put any outside furniture because it was a bit of an eye sore. As for the customers, I do no think it has had any noticeable impact."
With regards to whether the completed building will have any impact on them, she said: "I think it would, I imagine it will. It is a student building and its good for us because we are a student pub anyway. I think it was just aesthetics, it was not great. It was a building site, but it's not too bad now."
The School of Art and Design will be relocated to the new building from its current home, a Victorian building on Waverley Street at the gates of the Arboretum, inaugurated in 1865. The project for the new building was approved by Nottingham City Council last October, despite considerable reaction from local residents and groups concerned with preserving the city’s architectural heritage.
Speaking previously, a spokesman for Nottingham Trent University said: “The plans for the development of 42 Shakespeare Street will enable our School of Art & Design to become the leading art school for the creative industries, and is part of an ambitious initiative for a newly-created department that will provide new courses which combine traditional design practice with creative technologies.
"Not only will it provide industry-ready graduates for the fastest growing sector in the UK economy, but it will make Nottingham the centre for film, television, animation, UX design, games design, graphic design and more, creating more than 350 jobs and an additional £1.06 million in student expenditure in the local economy."