In some circumstances, farmers are legally entitled to shoot dogs if they are endangering their sheep. As a last resort, a farmer is legally allowed to shoot a dog who is threatening their animals.
Recently, a dog walker in Cheshire watched as their pet was shot and killed by a farmer after it attacked livestock on a farm. Police have warned dog owners to ensure they have full control of their pets at all times.
We asked readers whether farmers should be allowed to shoot dogs off the lead if they are threatening their livestock. Here's what you said.
Read more: Dog walker watched as farmer shot pet in 'horrific' incident
Many readers said that it was the dog owner's responsibility to keep their pets under control when walking near livestock, and that farmers should be allowed to shoot dogs that are threatening their livestock. Vicky Hatton, for example, said: "Yes. Dog owners responsibility to ensure safety."
"Dog owners have total responsibility for their animal. A farmer has every right to protect his livestock. Their will be some trigger happy farmer as there will be some dog owners who aren't fit to own a dog. When livestock are near, keep the dog on a leash," Mick Hargreaves said.
Gail Morgan added: "If your dog does not have good recall it should not be off the lead, as a responsible dog owner you should train your pet for its own safety as well as for other animals or children."
Mady Bassett added: "Or you could rephrase this question: Is it acceptable for ewes to be ripped apart because dog owners don’t like putting their dog on a leash? Common bloody sense.
"People acknowledge that there’s a financial loss, but what about the poor animals that are being mauled to death. Why should any pet be allowed to do this? If you don’t like keeping your dog on a lead, walk it round your own garden."
While other readers agreed that dog owners should be responsible for their pets, some said there should be an alternative to shooting animals that threaten farmers' livestock.
"Instead of shooting why don’t the owners of the dogs just get a massive fine and also have to pay the farmers for their loss. It will make the irresponsible owners think twice before letting their dogs run around live stock, it’s not the dogs fault it’s the owners so the owners should get punished," Bethany Aitken said.
Other readers disagreed with the idea. Ann Williams wrote: "No they shouldn't be allowed to shoot any dogs, that's cruelty. Another alternative is farmers put fencing up to keep dogs and wild animals such as foxes etc out. Although I think that dogs when going out should be kept on a leash at all times."
André Medcraft added: "Hell no, but they should be well compensated financially with their loss (if any). Most dogs are part of people’s families whereas livestock are bred to be killed. What should be law is dog owners gain a license to own one. Not just apply for a license but pass a test that will guarantee the owner is competent to own a dog."
Some readers were torn on the issue. Ed Edwards wrote that they had "mixed feelings" about whether farmers should be allowed to shoot dogs threatening their livestock: "On farm land yes but I would take my dog up on common land and drive miles to find a spot with no sheep. My dog would never attack but might want to play. But if there was a trigger happy farmer he would end up killing someone close to me. All livestock should be kept on the farms not common land."
Trish Thompson added: "Maybe not shoot the dog but a warning shot. But the dog owner should always have dogs on a lead when near livestock as the dog may get spooked by livestock as well as livestock spooked by dogs."
Should farmers be allowed to shoot out of control dogs on their land that are threatening livestock? Tell us in the comments below.