Residents in an expensive UK village have been left outraged after an abandoned house has become home to squatters - with trees growing out of it.
The bungalow in Mere, Cheshire, has been empty for eight years and now the back of the house has collapsed, the roof is leaking and two trees are growing out of the ruins.
In addition, the house's windows are also smashed in and the garden is littered with the previous owner's belongings.
It is thought the previous occupiers of the bungalow are believed to have been an elderly mother and her two children, who lived at the property from 1999 to 2014 and moved out of the area.
However, it's in stark contrast to nearby properties in Chester Road, where houses on the street sell for an average price of £695,000.
The cheapest house on sale in the area at the moment is a whopping £500,000, while the most expensive is £2.3 million.

The bungalow is about half a mile from The Mere Golf Resort and Spa, where rooms start from around £160 a night.
One resident, who wished to remain anonymous, said: "It is an eyesore, an absolute monstrosity.

"People don’t even know there is a house here, it is hidden by so many trees. You can’t even walk along the pavement because it is so overgrown.
“The property has already collapsed at the back. We’re worried about where it is going to fall next.
“It is now a danger and a health and fire hazard.”
It is believed that squatters have been residing in the property, as one neighbour saw lots of lights on, later went round and found loads of candles had been lit.

The neighbour, who did not want to be identified, said: “There is no gas or electricity, this is a fire risk. Neighbours put up fencing after they found a car parked outside.
“It is not acceptable. We shouldn’t have to put up with this.
“We just wish they would board it up, clear the site and make it safe.”
It looks like time has stood still in the house, there is a television in the corner with a remote balanced on top and pictures are still on the wall.

But sofas have been overturned and pots and pans are covered across the carpet.
The garden is covered in weeds, with a child's bike left abandoned next to a barbecue.
Another resident fumed: “We just can’t understand why nothing is being done.
“We have complained to Cheshire East Council.
“This could be a lovely family home.”
A spokesman for Cheshire East Council said: “The council is aware of the condition of this property.
“It is currently involved in a legal process aimed at resolving outstanding matters.
“Until these matters are resolved, there is no further comment the council can give at this time.”