Have you ever been browsing a property online, thinking it could well be your perfect home, when suddenly, a dealbreaker appears out of nowhere? Maybe the house looked completely normal from the outside, but inside it's hoarding a whole host of secrets.
What if a seemingly normal £79,950 end terrace property actually turned out to be brimming with items from the owner's unusual obsession?
That's exactly what is inside a Walton, Liverpool home, which looks normal from the first few pictures on the Rightmove listing - just in need of a big sort-out. The floors, carpets, and walls are inoffensive, until you reach what is dubbed as the 'second bedroom'.

The second bedroom is host to reams of Taz the Tasmanian Devil toys, made famous by Looney Tunes in 1964, and social media users have likened the unusual room to the 'devil's den'.
Taz was a much-loved character who appeared in Looney Tunes only five times until he was made famous in the 90s and gained worldwide popularity.
And it's clear that the previous owner of this house is a huge fan, as there are plenty of Taz toys to go around - from a huge armchair-sized Taz, to much smaller pocket-sized ones. Eagle-eyed viewers also noticed that in the 'lounge' area, there are Taz's on a shelf.
The second bedroom also features a large Bugs Bunny, a red stuffed animal, and a teddy bear.
The description listing states that the 'property is close to all local amenities and great transport links to the city centre', so if you can overlook the Taz's, it could be a great first home.
Social media users went wild for the home, with one suggesting: "He needs to just bail selling it and do daily viewings like a grotto."
Someone asked: "Do they bring the price up or down?"
Another said the room was a 'jump scare' with one woman joking: "Imagine the fella photographing it hahaha."
It was dubbed as 'fanTAZtic' by someone else.
Would this put you off buying the house? Let us know in the comments.