The amount of rubbish dumped at a Cardiff housing estate and how much it cost the council after a major clean up operation has been revealed. Cardiff Council conducted a major clean up exercise on a piece of land between Williton Road and Torrington Road in Llanrumney on Tuesday November 1 after fly-tippers took advantage of the local community's bonfire preparations.
The council revealed that 46.20 tonnes of waste was dumped at the housing estate, costing £13,250 to clear up. A spokesperson for Cardiff Council said: “Fly-tipping is completely unnecessary and is a criminal offence. The council provides the facilities for residents to dispose of their waste correctly, whether this is at the kerbside, through our bulky waste collection or at our recycling centres.
“The maximum penalty a court can impose on someone for a fly-tipping offence is up to £50,000. Very serious offences could result in a fine plus up to five years in prison. A court may also order an offender to pay costs for all removal undertaken by the council. If anyone spots fly-tipping, the most effective way of reporting it to us, is via our website ( ), or via our Cardiff Gov app.
Read more: ' Flytippers who took advantage of community bonfire event by dumping mountain of rubbish warned they face massive fines'
"That way, we will have an exact location and all the information necessary to investigate.” Mounds of rubbish, old furniture, planks of wood and plastic started to build up on a piece of green space between Williton Road and Torrington Road in Llanrumney over a week ago.
The community holds annual bonfires where residents are invited to dump some materials as fuel. But this year the group says people from outside of Llanrumney have “seen an opportunity” to tip their own rubbish, and the piles grew wildly out of control. Ward member for Llanrumney, Cllr Keith Jones, said: "Whilst some people began with the intention of creating a bonfire for Guy Fawkes night it is clear that this was soon abused by those just looking to fly tip their own rubbish.

"I am grateful that Cardiff Council and South Wales Police have worked together to coordinate the safe clearance of the site. The whole episode only goes to highlight the importance of such community events being organised. The law must be followed for the benefit of all.
"Llanrumney is a great community that enjoys celebrating such important milestones in the calendar but sadly this time it got out of hand. In future it is important that any such events are organised and people work with the Council to ensure safety for all the community."
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