A Pennsylvania judge has ordered voting hours to be extended until 10 p.m. ET in Cambria County after a software malfunction prevented voters from scanning their ballots. The County Solicitor, Ron Repak, confirmed the issue, stating that the Electronic Voting System malfunction hindered the ballot scanning process.
Despite the technical glitch, election officials have assured voters that no one will be turned away and that all completed ballots will be accepted, secured, and counted by the Board of Elections. To accommodate voters, the County Board of Elections has set up express voting machines at precinct locations to allow electronic voting, in addition to accepting hand ballots.

The Pennsylvania Department of State is actively working with local officials to address the problem. They have confirmed that voters in Cambria County can continue to cast their votes using paper ballots until the scanning issue is resolved. The Department of State reiterated its commitment to ensuring a free, fair, safe, and secure election process.
In conclusion, despite the temporary setback caused by the ballot scanning malfunction, officials are dedicated to ensuring that every vote is counted. Voters are encouraged to participate in the electoral process, and measures are being taken to rectify the technical issue promptly.