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Hey there PC gamers, welcome back to the PC Gamer Chat Log podcast! I hope everyone's been well this week and battling all the winter nasties going around right now. I've not been so fortunate—most of my week has been spent in bed feeling pretty dang sick.
I remember when my parents would always say to me: "If you're too sick to go to school, you're too sick to play games!" While teenage me used to laugh at the thought of not being able to stare at a monitor for eight hours while fighting off a virus, adult me has been shriveling away under the covers, unable to stomach even looking at my Steam Deck. On the bright side, I'm several episodes deep into an Angel rewatch. Silver linings and all that.
Thankfully, my illness was kind enough to wait until after I had the opportunity to play a bunch of Steam Next Fest demos. It's a good job, since that's what myself, Lauren and Senior Editor Chris Livingston are chatting about on the pod this week. Steam Next Fests are great, giant dumps of videogame demos to gorge on for a week. An increasing amount seem to stick around once the Fest is over, but a lot of 'em are only live for its duration before disappearing.
With literal hundreds of demos to choose from, the three of us took some time to play the ones that caught our attention. We'll be sharing our faves we've played so far, which ones are releasing soon that you should keep your eye on, as well as ones we're super jazzed to play but haven't quite gotten around to yet.
We're always down for some recommendations too. If you've been playing some Steam Next Fest demos yourself, head over to the PC Gamer forums and tell us about them. We'll have a thread set up for this week's episode where you can plug your favourite demos and let us know what you thought of the ones we've been enjoying.
Lauren and I have our usual pre-episode catchup too, letting each other know what we've been up to the previous week. Thankfully I had some relatively exciting things going on before I came down with The Plague (okay, it's a cold, but I feel rough!) and Lauren's been up to some neat stuff of her own.
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If you prefer some faces to go with your voices, you can also check out the podcast over on YouTube:
Don't forget to check us out over on the PC Gamer forums, too! We'll be checking in every week to see what you lovely lot have to say about each week's episode, and joining in the discussion ourselves.