Paytm CEO Vijay Shekhar Sharma recently took to Twitter and revealed that he isn’t an avid reader. He also said that since he passed Class 12, he had read only two books.
“I am really bad at reading books. I just completed my 45th and only book I have read few chapters of is: 'Psychology of Money'. In fact, since class 12, I have only read two books: 'Steve Jobs Biography' and 'Straight from the Gut',” his tweet read.
Sharma also said that he wished to get better at reading. He actually said this in response to a tweet which mentioned 10 books one should read before they turn 45.
“I wish, I get better & read these awesome books. On other side, when I was in school, I would read my sisters’ B.A. / M.A. books on unrelated to my subjects so keenly. (Could it be because of language comfort? My first subject book in English was in engineering college )”, he added.
He also confessed that he used to read his sister's BA and MA books which were completely unrelated to his subjects. This made him question whether it was the language comfort as he read his first English book at a much later stage in life-- in engineering college.