Dogs often lick their paws as a form of self-grooming - but it can also be a sign that something is wrong.
Veterinary expert and TV vet, Dr Scott Miller, from Barking Heads, takes a deep-dive into the four main reasons why dogs lick their paws and advises dog owners when they should be worried.
Dr Miller told The Mirror: "There are both medical and behavioural reasons for a dog to lick their paws."
It's important that you pay close attention to how regularly your pup is licking, as it could show underlying health concerns, and always consult a vet for advice.

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1. Cleaning
Self-grooming is probably the most widely known reason dogs lick their paws.
Dr Miller explains: "Dogs perform self-grooming as cats do, and their paws after a walk are a prime cleaning target.
"Removing dirt or irritating particles from between the toes and the feet makes sense, using their highly effective tongue to keep your canine comfortable and clean."
2. Allergy
If you notice your dog is continuously licking their paws, it may be a sign of an allergic reaction.
"A very common reason for excessive licking is as a response to contacting allergic or irritant substances such as grass or cleaning products," Dr Miller said.
"Grass allergies or other contact allergies are very common in dogs, and if licking is incessant then it should be discussed with your vet."

3. Appeasement
Just like us, dogs get anxious too - and paw licking may signal that they are feeling uncomfortable.
Dr Miller said: "Licking can sometimes be in response to nervous anxiety, where a pooch will lick their feet to calm themselves.
"In some cases, they can cause burns to the skin with excessive saliva exposure, and again this should be discussed with your vet if licking seems excessive."
4. Pain
If distracting your dog doesn't stop them from licking their paws, it could be an underlying issue of something more serious.
"Injured nails, foreign bodies such as glass in pads or even arthritic joints can cause a dog to lick their feet," Dr Miller explained.
"It is always worthwhile when licking is noted to perform a quick exam to see if there is any foreign body stuck or pain elicited when touching the toes, pads, or joints, consulting your vet if discomfort or injury is found."
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