Born in London, Paul McKenna, 59, was working as a DJ when he began to study hypnosis. Specialising in PTSD, trauma, pain control and emotional wellbeing, McKenna has sold more than 10m self-help books and been published in 32 languages. His bestsellers include Quit Smoking Today Without Gaining Weight and Positivity; his new title is Freedom From Anxiety. He is married and lives in London.
When were you happiest?
Pleasure is a glass of champagne, happiness is when you are living your values. I get up each morning and I’m excited by the day, and I have good health. This is the happiest that I’ve ever been.
What is your greatest fear?
My wife dying. I wouldn’t know how to go on.
What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?
Impatience. My dad said I was born in a hurry.
What was your most embarrassing moment?
I was in Kensington Gardens and this couple stopped me and said: “Hey, could we get a picture? I said: “Sure.” I put my arms around their shoulders, and they looked at me and said: “No, can you take a picture of us?”
If you could bring something extinct back to life, what would you choose?
Freedom of speech. People are frightened to say what they really think about politics or social issues because they will be cancelled or judged.
What does love feel like?
The most intensive and beautiful golden sunlight. It’s the strongest force in the universe.
Which book are you ashamed not to have read?
I don’t have shame around not having read anything. I don’t read novels, I read biographies and psychology books.
What did you want to be when you were growing up?
James Bond.
What is the worst thing anyone’s said to you?
“Oh, he’s all about money.” I’ve never charged anyone in all the years I’ve been doing one-to-one work. That’s my gift to the world.
Have you ever said ‘I love you’ and not meant it?
No. I meant it at that time.
What is the worst job you’ve done?
I was a Harrods store detective for a day. I was so bad at it, one of the other detectives thought I looked suspicious and reported me.
What has been your biggest disappointment?
People mistaking my kindness for weakness and stealing from me.
If not yourself, who would you most like to be?
The Buddha, because he was a man who perfected himself and got enlightened – and I’ve got the hair for it.
What do you consider your greatest achievement?
To have been one of the people who brought hypnotherapy to the world.
What has been your closest brush with the law?
I used to do work for the police – I’d hypnotise a witness to remember a licence plate or something. I didn’t want payment, I just wanted to go out in a squad car on a Friday night. It was phenomenal, driving 100mph on the pavement on the wrong side of the road, chasing villains.
Would you rather have more sex, money or fame?
I’m worn out from all three.
How would you like to be remembered?
In the Sultan of Brunei’s will.
Tell us a joke
I’ve given up making innuendoes for Lent but it’s getting really hard now and I’m not sure if I can pull it off.