Singer Patti Smith collapsed during a presentation in Brazil on Wednesday night, prompting her to end the show early. Video footage shared on social media captured the moment when Smith fell to the ground during her performance at the Cultura Artística Theater in downtown Sao Paulo.
The theater revealed that Smith had been battling a severe migraine in the days leading up to the event, which caused her to feel dizzy on stage. Despite her health struggles, Smith had been in Sao Paulo for a two-day presentation of the 'Correspondences' project with the Berlin-based group Soundwalk Collective. The performance involved Smith reciting her writings alongside musicians.
Soundwalk Collective confirmed that Smith had been dealing with an intense migraine but was determined to go on with the show. However, approximately 30 minutes into the event, while reading a text about climate change, Smith collapsed on stage. She remained on the ground for a brief period before being assisted and then moved backstage in a wheelchair.
Smith later returned to the stage in a wheelchair to apologize to the audience for her inability to continue the performance. Despite her disappointment, the crowd expressed their love and support for the singer.
The statement released by Smith and Soundwalk Collective indicated their intention to proceed with the scheduled performance on Thursday night. However, the Cultura Artística Theater had not confirmed whether the show would proceed as planned at the time of reporting.