Patrick and Brittany Mahomes welcomed their third child, Golden Raye Mahomes, on Monday. The couple, who are parents to two other children named Bronze and Sterling, shared the news on Instagram. Despite Brittany being pregnant during the 2024 NFL season, she continued to support her husband, the star quarterback of the Kansas City Chiefs, by attending most of the team's home games at Arrowhead Stadium.
There was some concern about the timing of the birth as it coincided with a potential playoff game for the Chiefs. However, Kansas City secured the No. 1 seed and a first-round bye in the postseason after defeating the Pittsburgh Steelers on Christmas Day. This ensured that Patrick Mahomes could be present for the birth of his child without missing any crucial games.
In an interview with Netflix's Stacey Dales, Mahomes expressed his relief at achieving the top seed, allowing him to focus on the upcoming playoffs and the team's pursuit of a third consecutive Super Bowl title.