Parents are being warned over the dangers of letting their child hug their pet dog - even when they mean well. The American Kennel Club is urging parents to either teach their children to show their affection in another way or teach their dog to tolerate hugs.
Most dogs do not like hugs and feel trapped when embraced in their owner's arms - which can cause them to snap in an attempt to break free from their grasp. A statement from the American Kennel Club reads: "If you watch dogs interact, you'll notice they don’t embrace each other.
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"They might pin each other to the ground, but it's in only one of two contexts: play fighting or real fighting.
"So, when you hug a dog, they don't understand what you’re trying to say. In fact, you’re essentially trapping them.
"They can't get away from anything that scares them or makes them uncomfortable while in your arms.
"And as hugging is often accompanied by direct staring and putting your face next to the dog's, they might also interpret your actions as aggressive or threatening.
"It's no wonder they don’t enjoy the squeezing sensation of a hug."
Dogs often show stress signals when being embraced in a hug, according to research undertaken by Dr Stanley Coren, who says if their stress levels are high enough, the dog will likely retaliate by biting.
"Even if your dog tolerates hugs from you, they might not be okay with one coming from a stranger or young child," the statement adds.
"It's essential to teach children safe ways to interact with dogs other than hugging, especially dogs they don’t already know.
"For safety and to help prepare your dog for unexpected hugs from well-meaning strangers or children, teach your dog to tolerate hugs.
"This is critical if you want your dog to be a therapy dog. With desensitization and counterconditioning, you can change your dog's negative associations with restraint to something more accepting.
"Start by pairing touch with treats or another reward, then slowly increase the invasiveness until you are gently restraining your dog.
"Finally, increase the firmness of your embrace, all while continuing to reward your dog after each hug. In time, your dog will put up with even the most awkward embrace for the chance to earn a reward."
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